Thursday 7 June 2007

Personal Training

Today I had my assessment session with my new personal trainer. It went well. Lots of posture and stability stuff which is going to be good. Mind you, this was only an assessment and I felt like it was a proper session. I am very unfit, in 2002 along with a couple of mates I completed Nato's largest European Army Assault course at the British Army's Pirbright base in less than 8 mins. It would take me an hour now.
Anyway my first proper session is next week at 7.30am (yes am NOT pm). I am a grumpy bollox in the morning so this should be fun!


Anonymous said...

When you went round in 8mins I think you were meant to climb over the obstacles not run round them.

AILÍN said...

ha ha troll, you must be one unfit squaddy!