Friday 20 July 2007

Personalised Torture

My personal training is going great, generally at 07.30am on Friday mornings, but occasionally as a special treat my trainer asks me to come at 07.00am (he is very kind). So when you think you can't feel anymore shit, a 07.00 start just about does it.

Training has involved dumbell shoulder press squats, seated rows using 49kgs, cable rows, lat pull-downs, interval training on the treadmill, crunches and many other Ab exercises which I suggest the CIA use to get info out of al-qaeda terrorists........its all fun.

Today, these 2 pictures of fitness (I'm joking) shouted over that I'd be better training with them (they resembled Giant Haystacks and Shirley Crabtree), and I thought they might have a point, I would almost appear malnourished beside them....