Sunday 11 May 2008

English Premier League Champions 2008

Manchester United won their 10th Premiership League title today, beating Wigan 2 - 0, the title was not assured as United needed to win and their 2nd place rivals would also pick it up if they achieved a better result in the game against Bolton.......this didn't happen as United won but also Chelsea, the fancy dans from London, only managed a draw.

The season isn't over for the two rivals as they meet again on May 16 in Moscow for the European Champions League final, a competition Chelsea have never won and United only successful twice.

It will be a tense night.......hopefully it proves to be a great game.........

Sir Alex Ferguson is a United legend, he has produced team after team all turning to great success but has really failed to dominate Europe. The inital great Ferguson teams were restricted by the old rule of no more than 3 non-English players on the you would struggle to identify 3 English players.......such is the pressures for success in the modern game.

Check out the BBC report.