Saturday 2 August 2008

missing text

Yesterday I posted a you tube video called Wise Up by Aimee Mann.

I left out some text, because I didn't wish to overdo it, simply I bottled it.

I had one of those gut feelings about the link that Wise Up has to someone I have got to know well. Someone who makes me smile...alot...who challenges me to think differently, and who has an indifference which is just mindblowing...whose fascination with melancholy has developed a curiosity in me that I wouldn't begin to explain...

Anyway, when I selected this video it was simply because I knew what it meant and its connection to someone who I reckon is...well lets just say the rest is my head...

damn right...we know this...

Its good knowing different people who just dont go with the flow, who know their own minds, challenge yours and generally different...

Anyway, hope all is well with my everyone...I am off work for 2 weeks...happy days...