Sunday 31 January 2010

2010 and travels

Last year provided me with the opportunity to continue to travel and explore this big old world...

(1) Skiing in Austria
(2) Munich
(3) Barcelona
(4) London
(5) Paris
(6) Slovenia (and Italy)
(7) Italy
(8) Frankfurt
(9) Rathlin

This year I have a few plans...

(1) Skiing in France - done and dusted
(2) London for Black Eyed Peas - May
(3) Chicago and Cleveland - June
(4) Plymouth - August
(5) Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina - August / September
(6) Munich - September
(7) NYC - November


Anonymous said...

You forgot

AILÍN said...

well I wasn't in Amsterdam in 2009 and won't be going in 2010

Andrew said...

Eh, change the header back. The new one is shite wee lad. The bigger version with the type further up is much better.