Saturday 2 January 2010

things I forgot from the last decade...

In the year 2000, I started on my journey, one I didn't believe I would manage. I attempted to summit Mount Kilimanjaro (12 July 2000) in Tanzania and also undertook my 2nd challenge for Whizz-Kidz, hiking to the lost city of the Incas (Machu Picchu) in Peru (October 2000). In preparation for the July trip I went on the Highland Mountain Journey (Fortwilliam, Scotland) with The Outward Bound Trust in May 2000.

The trip with Outward Bound was horrendous. Every single part of me ached. I met two great guys Paul and Ben and shared a tent with them in the wet, rain and midge hell that is the Scottish Highlands, experiencing the delights of dehydrated foods and the consequences it has on the digestive system.

The photo above was taken as a publicity shot for my Whizz-Kidz fundraising.

Over the next few years the group of people I travelled to Peru with kept in touch, emailed, and met up. We are planning our tenth anniversary. Over the years, we have met all over the UK, including a wonderful reunion in Northern Ireland.

In preparation for my trip to Kilimanjaro I decided to shave my hair off, this is still my passport photo.

This was the objective, Machu Picchu, Peru, by the time I arrived I was so exhausted I didn't really appreciate the view.