Sunday 23 May 2010

My first Pinoy feast...

I got to try some Pinoy dishes last night, thanks to Jade Dano, his Tatay and of course Genevieve Jacobs for the cooking...

The first dish, is a fish soup and is called Tinola. It was refreshing, with some virbant tastes, like lemongrass and ginger, completely unexpected as they are ingredients I am not particularly familiar with.

The main course was also a fish dish, called Escabeche. It was top notch, bringing its name from the spanish, its literally translated as "acid food", or what we call in english...Sweet and Sour. And of course, a plentiful supply of rice made the meal perfect. Not Uncle Bens though...much nicer than that, jasmine flavoured rice...
Unfortunately, I had been drinking a few Bacardi and next thing I know I am reading out some phrases from my Tagalog book.
I really shouldn't have...though I think I got a few of the phrases spot on.
(1) Sarap! Sarap!
(2) Gusto ko pa ng pagkain.
(3) Tubig, tubig!
(4) Totoo!
(5) Maari bang ibigay mo sa akin ang numero ng iyong telepono?
and then rather oddly I asked Jade's sis this...
(6) Ikaw ba ay umiinom ng pilduras?
all in the sense of a joke...but guess what...there is video footage...