Sunday 27 June 2010

problems resolved...

After the irritation of the last day, I was glad to be leaving Canada. I still needed to check out of the HoJo, only to discover that the previous nights incident with the mixed up room meant I wasnt on the hotels guest list. When I went to check out, I had to cough loudly as the receptionist was fast asleep in her chair looking into the distance...

It took an age to check out, but eventually I am at the airport, speaking to the Air Canada staff to see if I can get an earlier flight to somewhere in the US which would suit Anne to pick me up. They happily moved me to a flight from Toronto to Detroit. No issues, no hassles, just excellent service.

Soon I was heading through USA immigration and customs and on my way to the gate.

I am in Detroit.

And a short time later I meet with Anne and her friend Judy (aka sewandsew).

In the evening we all went to a fantastic local restaurant called Parallax in Cleveland.