Tuesday 6 November 2012

Serbia: Belgrade, Subotica and Novi Sad

Earlier this year I planned a trip to Serbia to coincide with the arrival of my 4th decade. It's so far proving to be a wonderful trip and interesting adventure.

We picked up our hire car at the airport and soon discovered why they were keen to encourage us to upgrade. I've cut my lawn with more powerful motors. Every hill is met with a shrug and it attempts a climb akin to an OAP ascending Everest. Belgrade drivers, not known for their patience, are keen to toot their horn...

Our apartment is owned by an incredibly camp & flamboyant landlord who has decided that 19.5c is sufficient temperature for any human to live in and so we do not have heat unless it drops below this magic number. We have been eying the furniture to see if we could start a fire to bring some colour back into our almost blue fingers.

On Sunday we visited Subotica, it's a sleepy town in Northern Serbia. We found the local synagogue which is no longer in use as any remaining Jews emigrated after WW2. A powerful and enduring reminder of the forces Fascism that thrived in Europe during that period.


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Glad I've found your blog it sounds like you write about stuff I'm interested in.

AILÍN said...

Thanks for your comments

Hope you enjoy reading my blog
