Monday 14 January 2008

Hair too long to learn.........

This is Grant Stranaghan, along with his parents he is challenging the decision of Ballyclare High school to suspend him for refusing to have his hair cut.
I can't see what point is being achieved by the wreckless use of finite educational resources by employing lawyers to argue their respective points in court. They are seeking a judicial review of the school's uniform policy.
This mess could have been sorted by the purchase of a mirror and maybe some Toni & Guy vouchers for christmas......
It seems girls can have long hair but not boys. So i guess that equals sex dexcrimination.
The irony is that after all this hassle young Stranaghan will wake up one day and realise a hairstyle might be in order...
The BBC has more here.
Update: The High Court in Belfast ruled that the pupil's rights were not breached and that the school uniform policy was NOT unlawful, the BBC has more here.