Friday 29 August 2008

McCain's masterstroke?

McCain the GOP candidate for the President of the US in the November General Election today announced his running mate as Sarah Palin...more here, a perfect candidate to help pick up those disaffected Hillary voters who are rumoured to be fleeing the democratic ticket of Obama / Biden...


Becky said...

Any woman who would flee the democrats because of a snit over Hillary, or to bond with the new woman on the block, is filled with self-hate, or lives through celebrities. The political philosophies of the 2 women are vastly different.

AILÍN said...

I agree they are politically poles apart, but I think the democrats missed an opportunity to consolidate on this issue. The General Election is going to be close and Obama will have some major work today to prevent an historic republican 3rd term.

Anne said...

John McCain chose this woman to be his vice president because she is pro life, ultra conservative and a woman. No one who had ever supported Hilary would vote for an ultra conservative, prolifer. And the far right he is tryiing to appeal to doesn't think a woman should be anywhere near the White House. So hopefully a huge mistake on McCain's part. Just what we need, a woman with 2 years experience as a governor of a state far removed from the rest of the country next in line to a 72 year old President!

AILÍN said...

I wont disagree with you about her politics, McCain chose her in a clear attempt to wrong foot the Democrats. Obama didnt pick Hillary, purely and simply, because he couldnt stand the thought of the Clintons breathing down his neck.
I also agree that the chances of McCain dieing in office must be quite high, so voting for him in the General Election must also be a vote for the 1st woman president. He couldnt have selected a potential VP more far removed from Hillary if he tried. But it is clear from some recent polling that he needed someone to bolster areas where Republican voters consider him weak, and within their party he is perceived as liberal. God helps us all if this tag team get in this November.