Tuesday 11 November 2008


I am considering flying to Croatia, well I was until I read that the FAA (the US equivalent of the UK CAA) has added Croatian Airlines to its banned list...see here

It's probably just someone playing safe, but now I don't know what to do.......

The net cafe is fine...but on your own and the manager starts playing Barry White, and the song is blasting out what Mr White would like to do with his tongue as he makes love, is not making me feel too comfortable.

Last night we missed dinner, in what I really only describe as a Rum induced haze...with Scott thinking he is Michael Parkinson and insisting I should video him interviewing Gareth...its so cringe worthy, I am getting a shiver down my spine just typing this.

I might upload it...but its so shit I doubt if I want the anyone to see it.

Thanks to those of you who sent me a birthday message, and also to the spelling police..where would I be without you...

I have pics but without proper net access I can't upload them...

Must dash before Mr White starts giving this geezer any more ideas...