Tuesday 23 June 2009

Introducing Gareth aka Lectures

This is Gareth, he has two states of mind, lost and asleep. In the first photo he is returning to the motorhome from the nearby shower block, via a walk around the campsite...he claims he was looking for the Spar?....but well years of research have established that he is probably lost...

On this trip he first got "lost" in the Departures area at Stansted, we were all together, moved off as we were in a hurry not to miss the check-in closing, arrived at the Easyjet desk but no Gareth...We anticipate further losses of Gareth over the coming days...

This is Gareth is his other state of mind..."Sleep"...this example was captured 5 mins into an arduous 30 min journey to our destination...he claims "Sleep comes like a drug..." no wait a minute that's a U2 lyric...anyway...we also expect further examples of "Sleep" in the coming days...