Monday 9 November 2009

Italy Road Trip...Dublin to Pisa (via Rome)

Ok the photo is a bit wet and blurred put the rain was hitting the streets so hard I think it broke the tarmac. This is where my birthday started.

Anyway, the story so far:

Departed from Dublin, took an age to find the long stay car park, had no idea it was about 5 miles from the Terminal building. Panic set in as I thought we might not make the flight.

After clearing security, we headed to the gate, C53 I was told, funny after a short wait I noticed that everyone was going to Frankfurt...a re-check of the departure boards soon determined that it was A12, the other side of the airport and we had 5 mins to make the run.

I think it was the best part of the 2 hour flight before my breathing returned to normal. We arrived at the gate to hear our names being called as we were the last passengers, oh the shame.

Arrived in Rome, accomodation basic but central. Italian hotels overpriced for what the generally offer. Our room came with a bad smell...nice.

A couple of days in Rome, time to drop by the Vatican City, called into the Tombs of the previous popes. Interesting Stuff...JP2 draws a big crowd.

On the Saturday night we went to a club which received good reviews in Lonely Planet...not sure why...the music was pants...and the free beer shocking...we stayed a few hours (it was ten euros in so no point leaving immediately)...thankfully we found a taxi as it was in outskirts of the city and would have taken hours to walk back in.

Very wet in Rome...soaked through on Sunday night. Had a fantastic meal in Est! Est! Est! massive queue to get a table, always a good sign...

Monday was the start of the road trip proper...more later...time for booze now...