Saturday 16 July 2011

Ozamiz to Caticlan via Cebu

Leaving Ozamiz for Cebu we were on a very small turbo-prop, the type was to become a recurring theme for many of our flights within The Philippines.

Boarding our flight to Caticlan in Boracay our luggage was checked and weighed as usual and we incurred a £40 excess baggage charge as Boracay has a 10kg allowance.

In addition to weighing our luggage, all passengers are weighed and allocated seats on the plane according to that information. I was beginning to realise the runway at Boracay must be fairly short and weight distribution clearly crucial to ensure a safe landing.

The landing at Boracay had the sensation of an emergency descent. Unlike most flights where the plane will have a controlled approach descending at a leisurely pace, the descent into Boracay involved a rapid descent with the plane being forced down at a disconcerting speed. It had the rather overwhelming feeling that something may be wrong. It was fine.

Jade asked one of the Cabin Crew if landings were always that unpleasant, to be greeted with a response by the Captain who was now standing behind him and he advised that if the landing hadnt been as rapid as it was the plane would currently be in the sea. NICE.

Arrival at Caticlan airport necessitated a short drive to the harbour where we boarded a small boat for the journey to the resort island of Boracay.

The boat was not designed for anyone with an obesity problem.

The ramp to board the small boat was less than 12 inches wide...